
 It has been shown that quality of life and sense of coherence improves with lifestyle chiropractice care. Source:  Read more about how living the 100 Year Lifestyle way can improve your overall quality of life and schedule an appointment with a provider near you!
 Among the research studies that show the cost benefits of using chiropractic care is a 4-year retrospective review of claims from 1.7 million health plan members. The data analyzed to determine the cost effects of the inclusion of a chiropractic benefit in an HMO insurance plan. The data revealed that members with a chiropractic benefit had lower overall total annual health care costs. Back pain patients with chiropractic coverage also realized lower utilization of plain radiographs, low back surgery, hospitalizations and MRI’s. Back pain episode-related costs were also 25 percent lower for those with chiropractic coverage.
 The lifestyle choices that you make for yourself and your family can literally change the course of your history. A family history of heart disease or cancer used to mean that it was your destiny to get those conditions too because they were “in your genes.” Through the science of epigenetics we have learned that nothing could be further from the truth. Epigenetics, which means ‘around the gene’, has shown that your lifestyle choices, both positive and negative, significantly influence the expression of your genes.
 Chiropractic adjustments promote whole-body health. Lifestyle chiropractic health keeps your body healthy and in optimal performance. Find a health care provider near you! (instert each affiliates request an appointment link)
 "Doctors of chiropractic are a highly appropriate resource in matters of work-place safety, stress management, injury prevention, postural correction and nutritional counseling."
 "The fastest-growing drug problem in the United States isn’t cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine. It is prescription drugs, and it is profoundly affecting the lives of teenagers.According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) DrugFacts, prescription drug misuse and abuse is when someone takes a medication inappropriately (for example, without a prescription)." Source:              
If you are athletic in any way, there are clear benefits of optimizing the health of your spine and nervous system. From the time you were conveived, your body's innate intelligence utilized your nervous system and system in your body. Approximately three million different message are being sent from your brain to your body and back every second. Extreme athletes can optimize the efficiency of these pathways with Chiropractic Lifestyle Care that is perfomrance-based. The intensity of your Lifestyle Care depends on the power of your lifestyle, so as your training intesity incresaes, you may need or want more intese care.  Read more about performance the 100 Year Lifestyle way in our article, Extreme Sports and Peak Performance, and find a 100 Year Lifestyle provider near you!